Entertain the kids, or yourself At the Sydney Boat Show, I had a chat with a chap called James from Bay Sports – he sells a number…
Entertain the kids, or yourself
At the Sydney Boat Show, I had a chat with a chap called James from Bay Sports – he sells a number of interesting things so we’ll read more about him later. His business has a great line of water toys – trampolines, slides, etc for both personal or commercial use which would be absolutely fantastic in summer.
The sales pitch is pretty good. No matter how big or small your boat, once you get somewhere the kids are going to get bored. Instantly. So, you inflate your toys, anchor them – attach life jackets to kids – and you have instant entertainment. If it’s as fun as it looks, you probably also have a collection of instant friends too as I can imagine with one of these beasties anchored off the beach kids would come running from far and wide.
There are a large range of different toys which all connect together if required – my personal favourite is the “Blast Off” (shown in the inset) where you can launch people into the air with ease. You can see the full range at their site.
The only problem I have with this is going to be: how do I convince the wife that we “need” one.